I've had a lot of health issues over the last 16 years. From being bedridden and unable to walk at my worst points, to being able to work full time, travel, buy a house, go to yoga 2x/week, run a mile or two...here are the 3 things I did to increase my quality of life:
1) I started with cutting out foods that bothered me. From corn syrup to dairy, to gluten and beyond. When your sick body isn't having to deal with foods it struggles with, you DECREASE inflammation and your body's energy can go to living and healing instead.
2) I went to a kinesiologist for muscle testing rather then randomly guessing what nutrition I needed. Thru muscle testing, you'll know what nutrients your body is lacking as you FIGHT chronic disease and inflammation. It is imperative that you get extra nutrition thru vitamins and supplements while you're fighting any disease. Don't just go stare at the vitamin wall and try to guess what will help. Your body KNOWS and will tell a trained muscle tester (kinesiologist) what you are needing.
3) Go carnivore. Once I went full carnivore, my quality of life skyrocketed. I had energy, decreased pain and anxiety, was less puffy and inflamed, and walked around saying, "Is this how everyone feels every day?!" I truly couldn't believe it. The last time I had this vitality was as a little kid. Just try it for 30 days and see for yourself!